Why Surrounding Yourself with the Right Like-Minded People will Ultimately Impact Your Business Journey

We all start somewhere! It’s not always about the destination, it’s the impact of the journey that changes our direction to get there. People sometimes don’t realize how much work, disappointments, financial stress, fears, and big leaps it really takes to get you where you might be today and that’s what makes life so exciting and interesting. I’ve learned that having a support system really helps (of course family and friends) but sometimes they don’t fully get the dream and can sometimes close the door on our ideas. It’s good to ask advice from people who are actually doing it, and have experience in the industry or business, a.k.a the experts! Sometimes our closest people might not get the “vision” or have any experience owning or running a business. Then we have others who get it and even support us even when they don’t completely understand the idea, or maybe they do and see the true potential. 

It’s really about a mindset, experience, learning, and keeping on track with our goals. Remember back in the day, maybe as children, our parents might have said “Make sure to surround yourself with the right friends”, that statement is 100% a game changer in life. It’s so simple! But people ignore it, get sucked into the wrong path, and eventually learn who they need to surround themselves with years down the road, and maybe our parents were right, or maybe they were wrong… we figure it out at some point. I’m a true believer in energy.… what you give, is what you receive. Are you a giver or a taker of energy? When we surround ourselves with friends and people who inspire, push and motivate us to reach our fullest potential, we see transformation and growth.

Let’s connect and have a free complimentary virtual coffee, just two people talking about your dreams.

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